Yonder Life Easter Do in Kyenjojo
In Uganda, public holidays are really held in high regard, with the most anticipated and celebrated being Christmas and the resurrection Sunday holidays. Like in many countries, the days are a time to spend with family and lots of food and have lots of conversation and laughter.
However, for many of these families in our community, that is not the case due to the dire financial situations they sometimes find themselves in. Food is at times barely enough to go around on the normal days and nothing much changes when the big days come.
With these facts in mind, the yonder life program once again organized a mega Easter do this year in Kyenjojo where over 1000 people from the community came together to make merry, share a meal and have lots of laughter.
The love of Christ was experienced as the gospel was shared and many got to hear about the love and grace of God.
Foodstuffs such as rice, sugar, cooking oil, soap, tea leaves and many more were gifted to the needier families of the community.
There were very many other activities such as career guidance and family empowerment sessions were carried out. There was loads of entertainment such as music, dance and drama, and a friendly soccer match between two communities.
It was a successful community engagement, bringing the community together and also sharing the love of Christ’s resurrection with His people.